The Department of Computer Science and Engineering is actively involved in the recruitment of international students

Release Time:2018-03-16

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering invested a lot of manpower and resources in the 2017 international student enrollment work. Recently, Professor Georgios Theodoropoulos, Associate Professor Qi Hao and Associate Professor Luo Zongwei actively participated in the international enrollment work of the school and obtained the award certificate issued by the school.


Professor Georgios Theodoropoulos traveled to Hungary, the United Kingdom, and Greece to enroll students in international students. He also participated in two 2017 International Student Admissions Interviews as an interviewer. Associate Professor Hao Qi went to South Korea, Australia, Hungary and other countries to enroll students. Associate Professor Luo Zongwei went to Cambodia and the Baltic countries (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) to enroll students. The three teachers gave great support to the international student enrollment work of our university. In addition, in October 2017, Assistant Professor Elvis Liu, who was formally joined CSE, also went to Warsaw, Poland, to participate in international enrollment work in February 2018.


Professor Georgios Theodoropoulos(right) in Hungary


Associate Professor Hao Qi(left) in Hungary


Associate Professor Hao Qi (middle) in Seoul, South Korea


Associate Professor Luo Zongwei (second from left) in the Baltic countries


Assistant Professor Elvis Liu (left) in Poland

At present, the international students of our school are from Hungary, Russia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia and other countries. In 2018, our school will continue to strengthen the enrollment in Eastern Europe and other countries along the Belt and Road. For details, please visit: