The 2017 SUSTech Global Scientists Forum on Computer Science and Engineering was successfully held

Release Time:2017-03-26

On March 19 2017 was held the grand opening of the 2017 SUSTech Global Scientists Forum in the first research building lecture hall, more than 220 outstanding experts and scholars over the world to attend. This forum aims to provide a platform for brainstorm and academic exchanges among experts and scholars, to promote multi-disciplinary cross-convergence and academic innovation.


The Opening Ceremony of SUSTech Global Scientists Forum


Group photo of part of the participants and Professor from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering

After the opening ceremony, the scholars in the field of computer science and engineering paid a visit on the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SUSTech. They were invited to deliver an academic speech to share the latest research outcomes, thus to discuss and exchange the views with the Professors of the Department of CSE. The invited scholars are from domestic and overseas prestigious universities including National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, the University of Rochester, the University of Birmingham, the University of New South Wales, Monash University, Luxembourg University, City University of Hong Kong, University of Tokyo, China National Defense University and so on.



Professor Yao Xin gives a welcome speech


Dr. Elvis Liu from Nanyang Technological University is giving an academic speech

On the session of Computer Science and Engineering, Scholars made a number of excellent academic reports entitled "Distributed Matrix sketching","Data Management for Large-Scale Online Social Networks", "Simulation of Medical Nanorobotics on High-Performance GPU Cluster", "Reference Vector Guided Evolutionary Manyobjective Optimization of Hybrid Electric Vehicle Control", "Multi-class SVMs: From Tighter Data-Dependent", "Generalization Bounds to Novel Algorithms" related to Computational intelligence, intelligent medical, evolutionary computing and other cutting edge research areas of computer research. They had an in-depth interaction with professor of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering from SUSTech.


The two-day SUSTech Global Scientists Forum was successfully concluded on the 20th. It is also the first time for the Department of CSE to organize the SUSTech Global Scientists Forum, Session on Computer Science and Engineering, which is with significant meanings and fruits. This forum not only provides an platform for academic activities between our department faculty and outside scholars, but also exerts a positive influence on faculty construction and disciplines enhancing.