Dean of College of Computer Science Prof. Andrew Moore from Carnegie Mellon University Visited Our University


Dean of College of Computer Science Prof. Andrew Moore and his colleagues from Carnegie Mellon University visited our university on 31st March, 2017. Our university President Chen Shiyi welcomed the visitors, and the Head of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SUSTech Prof. Yao Xin and faculty from the Department hosted a seminar with the guests.

美国卡耐基梅隆大学计算机科学学院院长Andrew Moore 来校访问.jpg 

(From left to right: Prof. Yuan Bo, Prof. Wang Qi, Prof. Tang Ke, Prof. Zhang Yuqun, Prof. Shi Yuhui, Prof. Hao Qi, Prof. Yao Xin, Prof. Andrew Moore, Prof. Philip Lehman, Ms. Mimi Fairman, Prof. Zhang Jin, Prof. Georgios Theodoropoulos and Prof. Luo Zhongwei)                                         


President Chen Shiyi welcomed Prof. Andrew Moore and his colleagues

(From left to right: President Chen Shiyi, Ms. Mimi Fairman, Prof. Andrew Moore, Prof. Philip Lehman)

In the afternoon, the guests came to Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SUSTech. Prof. Yao Xin extended the warmest welcome to Prof. Andrew Moore and his colleagues and presented the faculty, research, teaching status, undergraduate and postgraduate programs. The faculty members of our Department also gave introductions on their own research fields.


Our department had an intensive and fruitful discussion with the guests on the matters of jointly PhD programs, undergraduate students exchange programs, and scholar visiting programs. Our Department wishes to take this chance to enhance the mutual communication, and establish a rudimentary agreement on the bilateral cooperation.


Department Head Prof. Yao Xin


Dean of College of Computer Science Prof. Andrew Moore from CMU

Along with Andrew Moore, there are Vice Dean Philip Lehman, and the Director from the International Development Department of Carnegie Mellon University.

Carnegie Mellon University is a world-renowned private research university. The university locates at Pittsburgh of Pennsylvania in the United States, founded in 1900. The university possesses top-notch Computer Science professionals in the United States, which is equally famous as Computer Science Department of MIT and Stanford University. According to the Times Higher Education World University Ranking, overall Carnegie Mellon University ranked 23rd (!/page/0/length/25/sort_by/rank/sort_order/asc/cols/stats ), of which the computer professional ranked sixth (!/page/0/length/25/sort_by/rank/sort_order/asc/cols/stats ) in the world.