Students of Our Department stood out in ASC17 World University Supercomputer Contest


Recently, the final result of ASC17 World University Supercomputer Contest has been revealed. Two teams made up by members of SUSTech Computer Research Association, which includes Ge Linfei, Wan Changlong and Chu Chang from grade 2014 of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Under the meticulous guidance by Li, Jingzhi, Associate Professor from the Department of Mathematics and Wang, Qi, Assistant Professor from the Department of CSE, the team stood out from approximately 300 teams,being awarded as the Second Class Prize.


From left to right: Ge Linfei, He Kejian, Ding Jiayi, Chu Chang, Wan Changlong

During the whole process of the competition, group members attempted to design the server cluster, carrying out the server cluster optimizing and measurement, acquiring great amount of high-performance computer professional knowledge, enhancing the supercomputing applying skills, broadening students’learning and academic communication platform.

The ASC World University Supercomputer Contest was established in China and involves members from Japan, Russia, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, the United States and Europe. The international supercomputer community is very supportive of the concept because it is a great way to bring together young future experts, which will be a major driving force for innovation in the industry. ASC is the world's largest supercomputer competition, and along with ISC in Germany and SC in the USA, makes the world's top 3 super-contests. SUSTech's team also participated in the ASC contest last year and received a prize of Excellence.

Supercomputers are used in a wide range of applications ranging from weather forecasting to physical simulations (such as simulations of the early moments of the universe, airplane and spacecraft aerodynamics, the detonation of nuclear weapons, and nuclear fusion). Their future development will assist many scientific fields to make considerable progress, and China is a key player in their future development, holding the record for the fastest systems since 2013 (NRCPC Sunway TaihuLight and NUDT Tianhe-2A).