
About Computer Science Department

The Department is dedicated to educate students and advance research in computer science and engineering as well as to assist in the development and growth of the IT industry in the Great Bay Area. The Department offers a full range of courses to meet the needs of its own students and those from other departments. Its programs lead to the BS, MS, and PhD degrees. Aside from taking computer science courses, students are encouraged to design individual study plans tailored to their own interests.

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering in Southern University of Science and Technology was founded in 2016. We have 47 full-time professors (including tenured, tenure-track, research-only and teaching-only professors) in our department, all of whom hold the doctor degree or had years of experience in research and teaching from renowned universities. Our research expertise covers areas in artificial intelligence, data science, computer systems and networking, computer security, medical imaging and software engineering. We strive to build an international top-class department in the computer science field.