SUSTech Computer Science Professor wins IEEE Outstanding Early Career Award


Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro was the host city for the 2018 World Congress on Computational Intelligence, also known as IEEE WCCI 2018. It was here that Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) Professor Tang Ke was awarded the IEEE CIS Outstanding Early Career Award for 2018.


Professor Tang studies evolutionary computation and machine learning. He has published 48 SCI journal papers, including 22 IEEE papers. He has hosted and participated in 2 national key projects of the Natural Science Foundation, 3 surface projects, 1 project of the 973 plan of the Ministry of Science and Technology. Tang Ke came second in the 2011 Natural Science of the Ministry of Education and won the first prize of Natural Sciences at the 2015 Electronic Society. He has received funding from the Anhui Outstanding Youth Science Fund, the New Century Excellent Talents Program of the Ministry of Education and the Royal Society’s Newton Senior Scholars Fund. He is one of only two people in the computer sciences to have received funding from the Royal Society in 2015. He is the associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation Magazine.

The IEEE Global Computing Intelligence Conference is the premier technology event in the field of intelligent computing, held every two years. IEEE WCCI 2018 consists of the 2018 International Neural Network Joint Conference (IJCNN 2018), the IEEE Fuzzy Systems Conference (FUZZ-IEEE 2018), and the IEEE Evolutionary Computing Conference (IEEE CEC 2018). Academic exchanges provide a platform for outstanding scholars from around the world to discuss and demonstrate the results of computational intelligence research.

The IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) was formally established in 2003. It is a professional society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) specializing in intelligent computing. It is dedicated to computing parties inspired by biology and linguistics. The theory, design, and application of the method commends the scholars who have made outstanding research results in computational intelligence. The IEEE CIS Outstanding Early Career Award was established in 2010 to recognize outstanding young scholars in computational intelligence under 40 years of age.