The 2017 International Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning (SEAL2017) took place at SUSTech


From November 10 to November 13 2017, the 2017 International Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning (SEAL 2017), was hosted by SUSTech’s Department of Computer Science and Engineering in the 110 Lecture Hall. The event attracted experts and scholars from more than 200 fields of computing intelligence from China and abroad.


Meeting venue

Professor Yao Xin delivered welcome speech


Professor Shi Yuhui delivered welcome speech

Professor Russell C. Eberhart from Purdue University and Professor Yao Xin, Chair of SUSTech’s Department of Computer Computer Science and Engineering, served as honorary chairmen of the conference. Professor Shi Yuhui from SUSTech and Professor Kay Chen Tan from City University of Hong Kong presided over the conference while Professor Mengjie Zhang from Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand and Professor Tang Ke served as chairmen of the program committee.

The conference invited seven internationally renowned experts in computational intelligence: Professor Kenneth De Jong from George Mason University; Professor Sanaz Mostaghim from Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg; Professor Yew Soon Ong from Nanyang Technological University of Singapore; Professor Li Xiaodong from RMIT University; Professor Wang Jun from City University of Hong Kong, Professor Hisao Ishibuchi from Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) and Professor Yiuming Cheung from Hong Kong Baptist University. Each special guest presented a Keynote speech.


Professor Kenneth De Jong giving a keynote speech

Professor Sanaz Mostaghim’s Keynote Speech


Professor Yew Soon Ong giving a keynote speech


Professor Li Xiaodong giving a Keynote speech


Professor Wang Jun giving a Keynote Speech


Professor Hisao Ishibuchi giving a Keynote speech


Yiuming Cheung giving a Keynote speech


First SUSTech-VUW Joint Workshop

On the first day of the conference, the first Symposium on Evolutionary Optimization and Learning took place. Prof. Kenneth De Jong of George Mason University and Prof. Mitsuo Gen of Tokyo University of Science made six excellent presentations on this field which sparked extensive discussions.

The conference was organized into 10 oral session reports, and presented a total of 40 papers. The authors of the papers had the chance to present and then exchange on their own research, and a total of 45 excellent papers were selected to be showcased.
