2018 • Global Scientist Forum, Session on CSE January 5-7, 2018


I. Introduction

The Global Scientist Forum at the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) aims to provide a platform for academic exchanges among young scholars at home and abroad, to promote interdisciplinary and academic innovation, and discuss approaches towards building world-class universities and disciplines. Through the recruitment of world-class talents, we plan to build SUSTech into a research intensive university with unique characteristics in the world. Computer Science Sub-Forum focuses on the development of an innovative Department of Computer Science and Engineering in the Silicon Valley of China——Shenzhen. 


II. Minimum Requirements for Applicants

Successful applicants to the Forum are expected to be early career researchers with a doctoral degree obtained from internationally renown universities; or Ph.D graduated from Chinese universities and having worked abroad for more than 3 years. Outstanding researchers from all areas of computer science and engineering are welcome to apply.


III. Forum Schedule

Registration Date: January5, 2018

Date of the Forum: January6-7, 2018


IV. Application Procedure

Please submit your CV to institutional mailbox of SUSTech Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies (aais@sustech.edu.cn) and Department of Computer Science and Engineering (liuj6@sustech.edu.cn), with the subject line of “SUSTech Global Scientist Forum Application - Department of CSE”. The application will close on December 15, 2017. Successful applicants will be notified by December 20, 2017. 


V. Funding for Travel and Accommodation

(a) Free accommodation and lodging will be provided.

(b) Travels: All invited scholars need to purchase their own tickets (economic class). We will provide travel reimbursementforthe actual cost of tickets between 12/30/2017-01/13/2018 (maximumCNY 12,000 per person). 

VI. Contact Information

(a) Ms Jing Liu (Department of CSE), Tel: +86-75588015125, Email: liuj6@sustech.edu.cn

(b) Dr Kun Yang (AAIS), Tel: +86-75588015717, Email: yangk@sustech.edu.cn

(c) Dr Huihui Sun (AAIS), Tel: +86-755-88015716, Email: sunhh@sustech.edu.cn


VII. Salary and Benefits for recipients of the “Thousand Youth Talents Program”

  • Base salary: Attractive salary package will be provided to the scholars qualified in Youth Thousand Youth Talents Program (minimum 480,000 RMB annual salary)

  • Shenzhen relocation subsidy: Scholars of Young Thousand Talents Program maybe entitled for 2,000,000 RMB tax-free relocation subsidy from Shenzhen government. (For those who are awarded for Shenzhen Peacock Plan Talents (category B).)

  • National subsidy: 500,000 RMB (Scholars of Young Thousand Talents Program)

  • Housing allowance: SUSTech will provide 5,000-8,000 RMB per month (after tax) housing allowance depending on the position level.

  • Other benefits: SUSTech will purchase “five insurances and housing fund” for each staff (in the highest ratio based on the policy) and supplementary commercial medical insurance; Children of scholars qualified in Young Thousand Talents Program will be eligible for SUSTech Kindergarten, SUSTech primary school, and the assistance of entering key secondary schools in Shenzhen.

  • Position: Scholars who are qualified for Young Thousand Talents Program may apply for Associate Professor or above.

  • Research Start-up funds: 7,500,000-9,500,000 RMB in total. Young Thousand Talents Program Research Fund (1,000,000-3,000,000 RMB); Guangdong Province Supplementary Research Start-up Fund 500,000 RMB, Shenzhen Supplementary Research Start-up Fund 5,000,000 RMB; SUSTech supplementary research start-up fund 1,000,000 RMB.

  • Principal Investigator Policy: Every SUSTech faculty member in the university is an independent principal investigator, regardless of his/her rank. University guarantees that one PhD student and one master student scholarships will be provided to each tenured or tenure-track Professor, including Assistant Professor. The scholarships will be covered by university. In addition, university will partially sponsor two post-doctorates for each Professor.

  • Internationalization: SUSTech is a brand new university. The Department of Computer Science and Engineering is just founded for more than a year. We do not have any historical burden and started with a high standard. So far, the 17 full time professors in our department all possess overseas PhD degrees or overseas working experience. Among our full-time faculty members, we have three IEEE fellows and two editors-in-chief (including a former one) of IEEE Transactions/journals.

  • Green environment: SUSTech is located among 9 hills and one river, enjoys fabulous scenery. Shenzhen is one of the cities in China with the lowest smog problems, ideally for families.

VIII. About SUSTech

Southern University of Science and Technology is a public university founded in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone of China. It is intended to be a top-tier international university that excels in interdisciplinary research, nurturing innovative talents and delivering new knowledge to the world. It has been widely regarded as a pioneer and innovator in collectively moving China's higher education forward to match China's ever-growing role in the international arena. 

Currently, SUSTech totally has 430 teachers, 18 academicians, 15 ‘Changjiang’ scholars, 48 ‘Thousand Talents’ and more than 60 ‘Thousand Youth Talents’. In 2016, 14 scholars successfully gained the title of ‘Thousand Youth Talents’ by applied through SUSTech, which ranked No. 9 among all universities and institutes in China.

By the end of September 2017, SUSTech has achieved a number of breakthrough results: undertaken 202 research projects with total funds of CNY 359 million (about CNY 1 million per faculty member, to be continued); In 2017, the‘Nature Index Weighted Paper Values’ of SUSTechis 41.06 (from June 2016 to May 2017), ranking No. 30 among all universities in mainland of China.It only takes three years for SUSTech to increase the ranking in ‘Nature Index’ from 55 to 30. 

Welcome all young scholars at home and abroad to register and consult!

IX. About Department of Computer Science and Engineering

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at SUSTech was founded in 2016.  It currently has 17 professors, all of whom hold doctoral degrees or have years of experience in overseas universities. Among them, two were elected into the 1000 Talents Program in China; three are IEEE fellows; one IET fellow. The department is expected to grow to 50 tenure track faculty members eventually, in addition to teaching-only professors and research-only professors.The five research directions in the Department include Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Autonomous and Cognitive Systems, Computer Systems and Networks, and Theoretical Computer Science.