2017 Spring Strategy Retreat of the Department of CSE was held successfully


On May 20th to May 21st 2017, the Department of Computer Science and Technology held the 2017 Spring Strategy Retreat. Professor Hao Qi, Deputy Director of the Department of CSE presided over the meeting.


Deputy Director of the Department of CSE Department Prof. Hao Qi


Chair Professor of the Department of CSE Georgios Theodoropolous

During the strategy retreat, Prof. Hao Qi delivered the speech first and introduced the basic situation of the department, meanwhile summarizing the research achievements, the progress of faculty recruitment and etc. After the speech by Prof. Hao, faculty members introduced their most recent research progress. At the same time, in the part of sessional training, finance, research, undergraduate teaching, postgraduate teaching, IT technique support are all involved.

After various project reports and program training, it followed by an active group discussion among the faculty. During the group discussion part, the members focused on the graduates and undergraduates students’ admission, the teaching arrangement, the laboratory construction, level-based teaching, summer course, teaching quality, research team building, internal cooperation, Industry-Academia-Research to discuss. Also, finance and other administrative affairs were included.

3IMG_0632.jpg At the meeting


Group photo

The strategy retreat went on smoothly, of which the results and conclusions had a profound active impact on the department development and faculty construction.