Fengwei Zhang

Associate Professor
Director, COMPASS Lab
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Southern University of Science and Technology

Room 515, South Tower, College of Engineering
1088 Xueyuan Ave, Nanshan District
Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China 518055

Phone: (+86) (755) 88015160
Email: zhangfw [at] sustech dot edu dot cn
Lab: Room 441A, South Tower, College of Eng.

SUSTech Logo Fengwei Zhang

I am a tenured Associate Professor at Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech). My primary research interests are in the areas of systems security, with a focus on trusted execution environments (e.g., Arm TrustZone/CCA), GPU confidential computing, debugging transparency, system introspection, and hardware-assisted security.

Before joining SUSTech, I spent four wonderful years (2015-2019) as an Assistant Professor (Tenure-track) at Department of Computer Science at Wayne State University (WSU). I earned my Ph.D. in Computer Science from George Mason University in April 2015.

    My research group: [COMPASS@SUSTech].

I am looking for graduate students, postdocs, undergraduate students to work with me on exciting projects in systems security. If you are interested, please send me your CV.

Multiple fully funded positions are available [Hire Link, 招聘启示].


Five Selected Recent Publications [full list]

Authors with "_" is student/scholar in my lab or courses; ˆ indicates equal contribution; * indicates the corresponding author.

Recent Professional Services and Memberships

Editorial Board

Program Organization

Program Committee

Artifact Evaluation Committee

Professional Membership
